Adopt a Dog: Oscar’s World Woof Tour   
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Today’s show features 『The World Woof Tour,』 a round-the-world journey being undertaken by a seven-year-old dog named Oscar and his vegetarian caregiver Joanne Lefson.

The World Woof Tour began on May 2, 2009 in Joanne and Oscar’s hometown of Cape Town, South Africa, and by October 4 the two will have visited 33 countries and five continents and met people from many cultural and ethnic backgrounds!

Why are Oscar and Joanne undertaking this epic adventure? Five years ago, Oscar was brought to an animal shelter in Cape Town, and fortunately, Ms. Lefson came along and adopted him. Since then Oscar has found a loving home and has also discovered his noble mission in life.

For more about the World Woof Tour
please visit

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