Iran’s Natural Nutrition Society: Promoting the Rejuvenating Raw Vegan Diet - (In Persian)   
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Today’s Healthy Living will be presented in Persian, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Hallo, thoughtful viewers, and welcome to another edition of Healthy Living, where we’ll explore the incredible role of the raw vegan diet in healing illnesses. Many real-life cases show that a natural, raw plant-based diet can significantly boost immune system functioning and cure disease.

We now travel to Iran to meet Ms. Maryam Hosseini, who is the founder of the Natural Nutrition Society and has been a raw vegan for five years. The Society holds regular meetings where the general public is invited to learn more about the raw food lifestyle and members exchange information about the diet. She is also the manager of a raw food cafe in Tehran.

Today she and her friends will tell us about the amazing health improvements they’ve experienced after beginning a raw vegan diet.

About five years ago, due to many illnesses, I used to take 18 tablets daily. My illness was gall bladder disease, for which about five years ago, around March, I had to go to Arad Hospital, and they told me they had to remove my gall bladder. I had a lot of gas. I had an ovarian cyst, arthritis, neck disc problems and serious insomnia.

Since it was the Persian New Year, I said I would go home and come back later for the operation. I got home, and since I loved reading, I started reading and came across the book by the late Mr. Avanessian, of which we have a copy here.

The book “Raw Foodism (Eating Live Foods) – the Philosophy of Nutrition and Health” by Mr. Arshavir Der Avanessian, a renowned raw vegan expert from Iran, brought new hope to Ms. Hosseini.

Every page that I read, I was totally amazed at how I was living my life in a wrong way all these years. I used to eat meat, sweets, cakes, ice cream. I loved chocolates. From that night I decided to get rid of my medications, I asked my daughter to throw away my tablets. I didn’t know any societies, etc. I didn’t know how to prepare raw food; I didn’t know what to do.

But as I read the book carefully, I started with fruits. For about one week I started to have healing reactions; I had bone pain and leg pain. I really felt what the drug addicts go through. Just like an addicted person, I had body aches. About the time I used to take my tablets, I resisted, then my body would react with headaches, nausea, and after one week, I started to feel better.

It took about two months till my eight illnesses were cured. In the last two years, I have never had a cold. In fact none of my illnesses have returned.

After experiencing a miraculous improvement in her health, Ms. Hosseini decided to help inform people of the benefits of a raw plant-based diet.

When you get to know this method, you get peace of mind from every perspective; your sleep improves. With raw food your body’s immune system improves and you will never become ill again. So, about 1.5 years ago we set up the “Natural Nutrition Society.” We run the place to provide guidance and also to prepare raw food.

Fortunately, many people came here and they had illnesses such as leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, intestine cancer; they had tried chemotherapy even and they all came and got cured. We have invited them here so that they can speak to others and show their medical cases; to tell the world to become vegetarian, similar to how Supreme Master Ching Hai on Supreme Master Television promotes this diet.

It’s very good if the whole world becomes vegetarian. But for those who are ill, they must adopt a 100% raw diet, so that they can regain their health very, very quickly. In this period, I can say that daily, at least 50, maybe 80 people come here; some days, on Thursdays, 100 or 150 people come here and they have seen for themselves that they had diabetes, gout, rheumatism, vitiligo disease, all kinds of illnesses, and got cured. Even those who were heavily overweight, in about two months, managed to reduce 30 kilograms.

We’d like to ask our dear teacher to talk to us. All this time that we have been here, his presence has meant a lot to us. Please tell us about your experience of 36 years of a raw food diet, since the late Mr. Avanessian. Thank you.

It was in October 1973 that I got to know about the raw food diet. As soon as I read the book, I started my raw diet and in a matter of four months, I lost 40 kilograms. I was 110 kilograms, to be exact, I was 108 kilograms before. Then I met Mr. Avanessian. Actually, like many people who go on a diet, I thought that I could now return to a cooked food diet, but my experience proved that if I do go back, my symptoms would come back.

Of course, being overweight is one of the conditions which can be cured with a raw diet. Almost all illnesses are treatable with a raw food diet, including being overweight. I have not been sick as such. Once or twice I got the flu, which I recovered from, and till now I have never been ill.

Ms. Hosseini says acidic foods throw our body out of balance and consuming fruits is the solution.

Hazrat Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Do not make your stomach the graveyard of animals.” It doesn’t matter what illness you have, whether it’s leukemia, prostate cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc., you will be cured from all of these diseases if you just use fruits; because fruits are alkaline. While meat is acidic, dairy is acidic. Bread is acidic. Rice is acidic. You can consume everything which is alkaline, together with fruits. Be assured; do this for 10 days, then you will see the results.

When we return, we’ll learn about healthy eating from our Iranian raw vegan friends. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Healthy Living here on Supreme Master Television. Today, our friends from Iran share their wonderful experiences with the raw vegan diet.

In the name of God, now it’s about 10 months that I’ve followed the raw vegan diet. I used to have all kinds of illnesses, high blood pressure, liver disease and stroke. My blood sugar level was 400. Then I had a book at home called “The Supreme Medicine”; when I read that book, I learned that it’s possible to cure every illness with a fruit diet. Also I learned about Mr. Avanessian’s book.

I rang the publishers to see who this author was. They gave me the phone number of this society. I got in touch and from that day on I started the raw diet, and thank God, I have been getting better every day. Then I studied the Quran, and I learned that they refer to fruits as heavenly food, and this also motivated me to continue my diet.

When I left the hospital, I had a stroke, and I had to take warfarin and also aspirin, in order to make my blood thin. Then they gave me medications for my heart, blood pressure, diabetes; altogether I used to take 22 tablets (a day). But after my raw diet, I stopped all these tablets, and now I am very healthy. Every time my friends see me and they see my smile, they notice I have changed a lot and my weight has also gone down by 40 kilograms.

Mojtaba Tavvakkoli is another example of how what we choose to consume directly relates to our health status.

In the name of God, about 15 years ago, I had all kinds of illnesses. Almost all doctors gave up on me, especially about three cases. I had nervous problems, so that even with the most powerful sleep tablets and sedatives I couldn’t sleep. From night till morning I used to walk around, talk to myself. I had gout.

Four times it was on my feet. From my toes to my knees were plastered. All sorts of medications didn’t work on me. I used to inject heavy tranquilizers; for two hours I was pain free, then from night till dawn I used to cry and scream with pain.

After that I got diabetes. Before eating, my blood sugar was 430. My legs up to my knees were numb, my hands up to my elbow were numb, and they wanted to hospitalize me and start me on insulin. And I said that I didn’t want to use insulin; because my mother had died at a young age due to this illness.

A friend gave me a copy of the book by Mr. Avanessian. I read that book and then I started the raw vegan diet 100% and I threw away all my medications on the same day and continued with the raw diet. In about three months, my health was completely restored, my blood sugar level dropped to 109 and now 14 years has passed, and thank God, every day I am healthier and full of energy and I am much, much happier.

I have no more to do with doctors and medications. Now I am very happy and also about two years ago I got to know about this society, and I thank Ms. Hosseini for all her efforts. Now I eat raisins, dates and other sweet things, but there is no sign of diabetes.

Those who follow a 100% raw vegan diet do not believe in cooking foods. Ms. Hosseini now explains why this is the case.

God has actually cooked all these, through the Sun’s light. So these tomatoes (yes, it is actually cooked, yes) are 100% cooked. Cucumbers are ripe and all the fruits are ripe. In fact by cooking, we actually lose all the vitamins (yes, yes.), and this is wrong. Some people will ask how we can ever live on raw food.

They say if we don’t eat meat, where shall get protein from? If we don’t have milk, where shall we get calcium from? While we say, “No, God has made us so much food in abundance, everything, all the fruits have protein, (yes.) calcium, water, iron, everything.” What are the reasons for this?

Because all these fruits, these herbs are full of vitamins and our bodies need vitamins. This way, the vitamins are absorbed by our bodies directly. Everybody who comes here, we tell them that there is no compulsion in this; at least they should try this for a couple of weeks. For two weeks, they should become fruitarian. It’s not difficult. God has created all these fruits in nature for us.

Have you ever heard that melons or watermelons, or apples are bad for us? I urge all the people of this planet, for their sake first, and then for saving our planet Earth to try this diet; at least for two weeks try a fruitarian diet. Be assured that with this diet, you will never need a doctor ever again!

We applaud Maryam Hosseini and others of the Natural Nutrition Society for guiding many people back to wellness through a compassionate and highly nutritious and delicious way of eating. Next Monday on Healthy Living we will hear more from Ms. Hosseini and others on how the raw vegan diet prevents disease and keep us feeling our best.

Thank you for joining us on today’s program. Next up is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, after Noteworthy News. May we all be embraced by Heaven’s eternal love and light.

For more details on the Natural Nutrition Society, please email:

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