SAVE OUR PLANET - Rare bumblebees returning to England - 08 Oct 2010  
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SAVE OUR PLANET… Rare bumblebees returning to England. Following decades of decline, thanks to programs that pay farmers to plant more wildflowers on field margins as well as use less chemicals, rare bee populations are back on the rise. Five of the most threatened bee species have amazingly begun to thrive once more, some in areas where they had not been seen for 25 years. Speaking in appreciation, UK Environment Minister Richard Benyon said, “Bumblebees play a vital role in helping to produce our food by pollinating crops. The decline in the number of bees is a concern for the long-term future of farming… These results show the benefit of agri-environment schemes and the role farmers play in protecting and improving our wildlife.” 

We join Minister Benyon in a heartfelt thanks to the diligent farmers and organizations involved in the recovery of many beautiful bee species. With concerted efforts and broader respect for all life, may we help restore the balance of our bounteous Earth.
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