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Beit Ibrahim: A béke hídja Palesztínában - 1/2 rész (arabul)    1. rész

Welcome, brilliant viewers,to today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Situated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea,bordering Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, Palestine is known as the cradle of civilization. Over the centuries, numerous great sages and prophets have traveled to and dwelt in this Holy Land. The ancient city of Jerusalem,for example, is one of the world's oldest spiritual centers. Many prominent religions including Judaism, Christianity and Islam have,to various extents, taken shape in this legendary place.

Some 10 kilometers south of Jerusalem lies one of the oldest cities in Palestine, Beit Jala, whose skyline is graced by the pinnacles of six churches and two mosques. Beit Jala is well known for its religious,educational andhealth organizations and institutes that serve the residents of the city, many of which are run by a variety of Christian denominations. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation,the oldest Lutheran church in the whole region,supports peace projects in the Holy Land to promote friendship and unity in Israel and Palestine.

Today,we will feature the unique organization serving this mission of peace,the magnificent Beit Ibrahim in Beit Jala,Palestine.Beit Ibrahim is a large church-sponsored peace project in the Middle East supported by the Abraham Beit Jala Hostel Association founded in Germany in 2001. It also known as the Abrahams Herberge,is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation compound.

Beit Ibrahim is a retreat complex that consists of a study center and a guest house. As part of the peace program,the Beit Ibrahim guest house is open to national and international visitors all year round. Youth and adults of all three Abrahamic faiths, Jewish, Muslim and Christian, gather here to build understanding and reconciliation. The proceeds of the guesthouse are used in furthering the development of various peace projects. The exquisite design of Beit Ibrahim,characterized by its vibrant oriental touches,radiates the loving,welcoming ambience of the Holy Land.

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