Megvilágosító szórakozás
A vega megoldás elősegítése onnan, ahol vannak   

Mayor Lin Cheng-Tze (m):
Global warming is accelerating, and for the first time in 70 years, Hsinchu City has hit the highest temperature in Formosa (Taiwan). We must act now to save the Earth, because global warming
is accelerating and the greenhouse effect is rapidly intensifying.

Since 2008, Mayor Lin Junq-tzer of Hsinchu City had initiated a series of events promoting energy conservation and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Most importantly, the Hsinchu government was among the first in the world to lead an official public campaign to encourage people to adopt a more vegetarian lifestyle. In 2008, Mayor Lin called a press conference with the stated theme:
『Fighting global warming through the vegetarian diet to save the Earth!』

Mayor Lin Junq-tzer, Hsinchu City, Formosa (m):
I have deeply realized the benefit of vegetarian food. It is very healthy for the body. For the whole Earth, it can alleviate the burden on the energy it needs to produce.

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