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Abszolút afrikai - Dél-Afrika Kearsney Főiskola Kórusa - 1/2 rész (zulu nyelven)   

Welcome,enthusiastic viewers,
to today’s edition of Enlightening Entertainment. Today, in the first of a two-part program, we will feature the vibrant young performers of the Kearsney College Choir from South Africa.
Of the thousands of choirs around the world,the Kearsney College Choir has established itself by placing in the top 25 in the prestigious Musica Mundi World Rankings of 2010.

Their dedicated conductor,Mr. Bernard Krüger,inspires this group of grade 8 to 12 students to appreciate and excel in music and explore their own creativity. With numerous gold and silver medals from many international choir competitions, they are loved for energizing their audience.
Their exciting repertoire that blends South African folk songs, pop choral, and uplifting spiritual music.

Composed by Johnny Clegg
Performed by Kearsney College Choir(In Zulu)

We have not seen him
We have not seen
In the place where he is
In the place
where he is kept
We have not seen him
We have not seen
In the place where he is
In the place
where he is kept
Hey you! Hey you!
Hey you and you as well
When will we arrive
at our destination

Hey you! Hey you!
Hey you and you as well
When will we arrive
at our destination
We have not seen him
We have not seen
In the place where he is
In the place
where he is kept

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