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Luka Nižetić - híres horvát énekes, és az állatok szószólója (horvát nyelven)   

Let’s Dance with Me Vocals by Luka Nižetić (In Croatian)

Hey, you're here, love me, just one day
of your life like I love you all my life.
Open the crazy dance,
let all your beauty release the light.
How it would be, only the heart knows.
Dance with me like for once before, for me
you are a ray of sun.
In my sails, be the wind,
as with you my step is light.

Luka Nižetić is an acclaimed, greatly talented singer from Croatia. With his debut album “Premijera” recorded in 2006, Luka is best known for his hit songs, “Sometimes I Wish”
and “Springtime.” The singer has also been dedicating himself to campaigning against the cruelty of human use of animal fur. For his outspoken endeavors in defense of animals exploited for fur products, Supreme Master Ching Hai sent to Luka a letter of special thanks.
Now, let’s get to know more about Croatia’s singing sensation Luka Nižetić. We had the honor of meeting him and his likewise accomplished sister, Croatia’s well-known television and radio
personality Petra Nižetić.

Luka grew up with his older sister Petra in Mertojak, a part of Split, one of the largest cities
in Croatia. From a young age, Luka showed exceptional interest in music, which led to his early training for a strong musical foundation. Luka had lessons in piano with a nun, in singing and composing from a music professor. He also studied with noted Croatian opera singer Sanja Erceg-Vrekalo. Growing up, Luka and Petra’s artistic side were encouraged.

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