Alcohol Action being launched in New Zealand – 19 Nov 2009  
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Alcohol Action being launched in New Zealand.



This new organization is calling for effective change in alcohol regulations along with promoting awareness of the links between alcohol and health, violence and crime.


Medical spokesperson Professor Doug Sellman from the University of Otago in Christchurch, New Zealand is giving lectures over the next 10 weeks to help the public become better informed. He said, There are many things about alcohol that consumers have the right to know, such as the fact that (it) can cause cancer and damage the brain, and what exactly low-risk drinking is things the industry keeps very quiet about.


Professor Sellman and Alcohol Action New Zealand, our heartfelt thanks for this initiative to raise awareness of the detriments of alcohol consumption. Blessed be such

endeavors as yours in helping people lead clear-minded, intoxicant-free lives.


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