Illnesses caused by Salmonella-contaminated meat - 26 Dec 2011  
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Following a recall of 40,000 pounds of ground beef due to suspected E. coli contamination, another recall was issued for an undetermined amount of ground beef when it was found to be tainted with Salmonella.

At least 16 people throughout seven states have been diagnosed with an antibiotic-resistant strain of the bacterial infection, as reported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

With more than seven who have required hospitalization, the CDC also indicated that the antibiotic resistance of this strain increases the possibility of treatment failure and even death, as advisements were issued for people to check carefully since many of the contaminated meats had already been purchased.

In addition, the combination of scant recordkeeping practices and the fact that the meat may come from several different plants before being processed has resulted in the source of the infection still being unknown.

US Congresswoman Chellie Pingree of Maine has thus called on the Department of Agriculture to raise an alert about the need for more stringent regulations, in an effort to better protect people's health.

Our sincere thanks Congresswoman Pingree, US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, and other officials for your concern for public safety, as we pray for the soon recovery of those who have been stricken ill.

May we all quickly turn to the humane and hygienic plant-based fare as the most effective protection for ourselves and cherished loved ones.
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