Somalia furthers neighborly relations - 17 Dec 2010  
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Somalia furthers neighborly relations. Newly appointed Somali Prime Minister, His Excellency Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, made his first state trips to neighboring Djibouti and Ethiopia to discuss bolstering bilateral ties. In Djibouti on Sunday, December 12, the prime minister’s visit coincided with the ceremonial opening of Djibouti’s new embassy in Somalia. Ambassador to Somalia Dayib Dubbad Roble conveyed a message from Djibouti President Ismail Omar Gelle, affirming his country’s commitment to sharing Somalia’s challenges and to living in peace and harmony alongside the neighbor country. Traveling to Ethiopia on Tuesday, Prime Minister Mohamed was received by his Ethiopian counterpart, Meles Zenawi, who pledged his country’s support of peace in Somalia while Prime Minister Mohamed spoke of striving for constructive relations that would benefit both nations.

Your Excellencies, we are gladdened by your meetings that advance the promise of ever more harmony among your nations. May the people of Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia flourish in stability and friendship, leading the way to a beneficial peace for all in the region.

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