Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Vegán Ghabli Palao, Afganisztán hagyományos illatos kevert rizse (dari nyelven)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
1 kilogram long grain rice
200 grams sliced carrots
200 grams raisin
100 grams sliced pistachio
100 grams sliced almond
Cumin to taste
Salt to taste

  1. Boil adequate water to cook the rice.
  2. When the water is boiling, pour in the rice.
  3. Add in some salt. The core of the rice must be salty.
  4. Meanwhile, preheat some oil, and when it’s warm, then put the chopped carrot, stir it so that it gets roasted a bit.
  5. Add the raisin into the carrot, mix them well.
  6. Check for the rice once a while to see whether is soften or not.
  7. When it is not too hard nor to soft, drain the remaining water, and put the rice back into the pot.
  8. Put some oil into the pot so that the rice won’t stick.
  9. Put the sauted carrot and raisin on one side of the rice.
  10. Pour in the oil inside the raisin and carrot on top of the rice, so that no need to put oil again.
  11. Pour in the chopped pistachios and almonds on top of the rice as much as needed.
  12. Add in some cumin for fragrance and aroma.
  13. Now, let the rice get steamed for about 15 minutes with low heat.
  14. For serving, take white part of the rice and then the colored one.
  15. Serve it with some salad.
  16. Ready to be served.

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File NO: 1356
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