Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Édes rizsliszt Yomari gombócok, egy Newar édesség Nepálból (Nepáli nyelven)      
To make
15 Yomari dumplings:
(For all ingredients,
please use organic
versions if available)
500 grams rice flour
100 grams chaku (jaggary)
50 grams
sesame seed powder
20 grams coconut powder
5 grams cardamom powder
10 grams vegetable oil



1. Prepare chaku, sesame seed powder, coconut powder, cardamom powder, and vegetable oil.

2. To cook chaku, pour a little water and put chaku into the pan on the stove. And stir them continuedly on low heat until the chaku melts.

* Caution:

1) The heat shouldn
t be too high.
2) Don
t pour too much water. After chaku dissolves, it will be thin on its own, otherwise, it will cause the Yomari to break

3. When chaku melts thoroghly, add sesame powder, coconut powder and cardamom powder to the chaku mixture and stir slowly. And put little bit of flour to it.

4. If the mixture is not too thin, transfer it into a bowl.

5. Now, lets start making Yomari. Put the flour into another bowl, then add some lukewarm water into it in order to knead the flour.

* Caution:

we should keep on kneading the dough by addinga little water until it is soft enough, otherwise, it
s easy to break when the dough is hard.

6. Mould the dough into a round shape and cover it with the muslin cloth to be soft.

7. After a while, grease your palms with the oil and take a piece of dough in your hand, then knead it a little bit.

8. Mould dough you made into a round shape and then make it into a long shape. After put some more oil on your palm and fingers, make a hole in it rotating the dough.

9. Keep on pushing your finger into the hole, while the dough is continues rotating until a deep hollow is made.

10. Put about 2 table spoons of the chatu mixture into this Yomari. Slowly close and press its opening with your fingers while keeping it rotating. It will be sealed automatically.

11. Place greased steamer on a top of the pot of boiling water and then put the Yomari we prepared inside the greased steamer.

12. Cover the steamer with a lid then let it be about 10 minutes to cook.

13. Take out the Yomari dumplings from the container and put them on a plate nicely.

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