Panama grants residency to thousands of undocumented residents - 25 Jul 2010  
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As part of a new policy implemented by Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli, around 20,000 immigrants currently living in the country will be given the legal right to stay.

National Service of Migration Director Maria Cristina Gonzalez announced last week that a promotional campaign had been launched to inform residents of the new measure.

Thus far, 8,000 people originally arriving from Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador have become legal residents.
The program, which is open to those who have been living in the country for at least two years, is currently scheduled to continue through August. 

Our thankfulness, Your Excellency and Panama, for your welcome of all those seeking sanctuary in your beautiful lands. Wishing the 8,000 newly official residents, and more, flourishing lives of contentment, prosperity and peace.
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