Assam leader freed in India - 04 Jan 2011  
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Assam leader freed in India. Mr. Arabinda Rajkhowa leader of the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) has been released from prison in India’s northeastern state of Assam. Crowds of supporters gathered to welcome his return to society following a year-long detention. Speaking to the press, Mr. Rajkhowa stated that his organization was ready to enter peace negotiations with the Indian government as he expressed his satisfaction with the prevailing atmosphere. He stated, “It is the mood for peace among the people of Assam that has brought us to this situation today, where we are set to begin a peace dialogue with the Indian government.”

We are gladdened to know of your freedom, Mr. Rajkhowa. Wishing your diplomatic dialogue success so that harmonious relations may swiftly prevail among all the gentle- hearted people of India.

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