Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Az Angel Food Vegán Marshmallows Cukorkája Alice Leonard-dal      

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

1 Angel Food Marshmallows kit
2 cups sugar
2½ + ¼ cups water
2 teaspoons vanilla essence

Served with:
Ice cream cones
Peanut butter
chocolate ganache
¼ peanut butter
¾ vegan dark chocolate chips

Rice milk, soy milk, etc.
Salted roasted peanuts, crushed

Potato or tapioca starch for dusting
Cocoa powder or sprinkles as decoration

To Create these vegab marshmallow treats and for a taste of Angel Food, Alice Leonard's creations of delectable vegan meringue and vegan cheese, please browse to

  1. Take the sachet B and put it in the cooking pot.
  2. Add 2 cups of granulated sugar to that. Mix thoroughly. Make no lumps.
  3. Add 2½ cup of water. Stir as adding.
  4. Put the pot on the stove with high heat.
  5. Let it boil while contanstaly stirring.
  6. Meanwhile, preheat the stove for about 15 minutes to 105 degrees Celcius.
  7. Take sachet A and put it into the mixer bowl.
  8. Add a quarter of a cup of water.
  9. Turn on the mixer and start making the whipped cream. This will take only a couple of minutes.
  10. Take the pot of hot syrup and pour in to the fluffy mix gradually while keep mixing.
  11. With spatula, get all the mix down into the bottom of the bowl and turn the mixer into high speed and leave it to whip for about 5 minutes or longer depending on how fast the mixer is.
  12. After about 5 minutes, add some vanilla essence and mixed.
  13. Take a piping bag, a fabric one with a star nozzle in the end. A plastic bag can be used also. Put the mixture into the bag, shake it down and twist the end and set it aside so that the mixture will become a little bit harder.
  14. Meanwhile, prepare peanut butter chocolate ganache by mixing ¼ of a cup of peanut butter with ¾ cup of chocolate chips and a little of rice milk. Stir that until it melts.
  15. Put a generous dollop of peanut butter chocolate in the base of each cone.
  16. On top of it, pipe the marshmallow mixture.
  17. Sprinkle some salted toasted peanuts on top.
  18. The chocolate cone with peanut butter chocolate ganache is ready to be served.
  19. To prepare for the square marshmallow, dust a container with some tapioca starch or potato stach to avoid stickiness and then pour the marsmallow mixture in a container, let it hardenned a little bit and then cut into squares.
  20. Cut around the edges, and pope them out beautifully.
  21. Garnish the marshmallow with cocoa for each side.
  22. Ready to be served.

File NO: 985
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