Today is the final day Supreme Master Television is broadcasting |
We now would like to present an announcement to Supreme Master Television's cherished global viewers.
For the past five years, we at Supreme Master Television have had the honor and pleasure to accompany you and your beloved family daily and around the clock, anywhere in the world, offering free-to-air constructive and wholesome programming.
Graced with the loving guidance of Supreme Master Ching Hai and Heaven’s blessings, we had the precious opportunity to reach global viewers via satellite, cable TV, internet and various modern-day communication methods.
With earnest hopes of helping to bring long-lasting peace, joy and upliftment for Earth’s citizens, including our animal co-inhabitants, Supreme Master Television has faithfully been among the voices of conscience and consciousness to advocate for a greener and more compassionate planet.
Together with the kind cooperation and assistance of government officials, dignitaries, celebrities, international artists, and experts in diverse disciplines, as well as the dedication of our vegan Association members, our collective efforts have borne some positive fruits, both visible and invisible.
We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai and all noble-minded friends for the privilege to serve the world by working to share the constructive information presented on the channel.
Today is the final day Supreme Master Television is broadcasting and we bid you fond farewell in profound appreciation for all your love and support. Thank you, everyone, for watching during the past years.
May we all continue to each strive in our own ways to contributing to World Vegan, World Peace. The very best of wishes to you and yours for many happy vegan New Years.
Supreme Master Television’s archived programs will continue to be available online at www.SupremeMasterTV.com for all to view and download free of charge.
Supreme Master Ching Hai wants to convey her gratitude to all media, agencies; satellite, cable, and IPTV companies; government departments; groups; and individuals who have been of support all these years, and wishing you the best and Heaven's blessing in all noble endeavours. 

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