中部オゥラック(べトナム)の伝統民謡:クアンナム ビンディン ゲアン (オゥラック語)   

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation with a long-standing traditional culture.
Aulacese musical heritage is bountiful; since ancient times, many soul-stirring musical instruments have been created with diverse sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals, and panpipe.
 In 2003, Elegant Music, a style of Hu? royal court music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.
Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan H? folksongs in the north, Hu? tunes in the central, and modern folk opera in the south. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including ho, ly, ceremonial songs,

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