
Artists are the cultural ambassadors who, through their works of art, can bring forth understanding, friendship, and peace among different regions of the world.

Of those who follow this calling, there is Weam Namou Yatooma, a poet and novelist; Amer Hanna Fatuhi, a visual artist and historian; Sahir Al-Malih, a radio and TV producer and publisher; Salah Kulato, a theater artist and director; Sonia Diri, an actress, Rev. Jacob Yassor, pastor of Reverend Sacred Heart Chaldean Catholic Church, and more.

They are Iraqi-born but have journeyed beyond borders and traveled between continents. They seek to use their talent to bring harmony to this world. Enabling them to achieve this dream is the community they created, the Iraqi Artists Association based in Michigan, USA. Ms. Weam Namou Yatooma, co-founder and the president of Iraqi Artists Association (IAA), shared with us their history.


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