ジェネシス ティンシュ氏、カメルーンの国際ヘルプス創設者(バサ語)   

It is such earnest students as Besong that the organization known as Helps International wholeheartedly serves. Located in the city of Buea, the capital of the Southwest Province of Cameroon in Africa, Helps International (HINT)was founded in 2002 by Mr. Genesis Tinshu, a graduate of the University of Buea. His mission was to improve the social and economic well-being of the underprivileged in society through education, skills development, and job creation.

Genesis Tinshu (m):  In my heart, what I want to achieve, what I live to achieve is to make a meaningful contribution to transform the community where I live. I want to see people’s lives changed, I want to see people live better lives. I want to see people get better health, I want to see peoplecome out of poverty. That’s what’s in my heart.

HOST: Through an acquaintance with one local young man, Mr. Tinshu was motivatedto establish a system that could help to better the lives of Cameroonians.

Genesis Tinshu (m):  I met this young man who was released from prison and he approached me and asked for help. And I could remember that  I helped him go to the town where he needed to go. And from that moment, something began in my heart and I began to say: 『How I wish, there was a system set up to be able to help this person.』 He is just out of prison, he’s going back to his family, maybe after 25 years. Who is going to help him?

HOST: In 2002, Mr. Tinshu proceeded with the founding of Helps International to provide a type of organized system to assist less fortunate people. With Mr. Tinshu’s background in mathematics and computer science, he set up an IT (Information Technology) center to equip the local youth with necessary computer knowledge.

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