プラネットアース:愛のわが家: 畜産業‐生態系のバランスへの脅威   

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Greetings, eco-conscious viewers to today’s episode of Planet Earth: Our Loving Home.
June 5th is World Environment Day, a day established by the United Nations in 1973 to raise global awareness of the vital importance of preserving of our biosphere.

This year’s theme is “Many Species. One Planet. One Future.”  In honor of this day, our program features excerpts of interviews with respected climate scientists, prominent political figures, knowledgeable environmental specialists, and concerned citizens regarding how intensive animal agriculture devastates our environment.

According to Livestock’s Long Shadow,” a report released in 2006 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the livestock industry is chiefly responsible for almost all the very serious environmental issues currently facing the planet, including land degradation,deforestation, water pollution and shortages, and above all, global warming.

We begin with how production of animal products takes up huge tracts of land across the globe and thus robs humanity of the true productivity of the soil.

Dr. Smith:  The whole operation of the meat system  requires a lot of land. There is a whole bunch of agricultural land somewhere making the food to grow those animals. We’re all connected together, we live on the same planet; we do one thing, it affects everybody. And this is a very important illustration.

プラネットアース:愛のわが家 ピーターレイヴン博士 地球の生物多様性の危機に臨む

プラネットアース:愛のわが家 工場式養豚業の破壊的影響1/2

プラネットアース: 愛のわが家 ヤンアルテュベルトラン作-環境ドキュメンタリー:「ホーム」‐第一部/3

プラネットアース: 愛のわが家 廃墟の海域-地球上の魚の消失

プラネットアース 愛のわが家 「地球の生物多様性の急激な絶滅の犯人畜産業」

PLANET EARTH: OUR LOVING HOME “Changes in Climate, Changes in Lives” - A Message from Greenpeace Brasil, P1/2 (In Portuguese)

PLANET EARTH:OUR LOVING HOME Vegan: The Fastest Way to a Cooler Planet P1/4

PLANET EARTH:OUR LOVING HOME Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri-Global Warning: The Impact of Meat Production and Consumption on Climate Change P1/2

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