クリスティーネ ベッカー:ドイツ人テレパシーによるアニマルコミュニケーター 1/2(ドイツ語)    Part 1
Part 1

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Part 2

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Halo, kindhearted viewers and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today's program, Christiane Becker, a delightful telepathic animal communicator from Germany, tells us some amazing facts about the inner lives of our animal companions.

Through her personal discoveries gleaned from many years of experience, she shares fascinating information about horses who write poetry, pigs who advise us about human diseases, and gorillas who express their grief over the current state of our world. On  this two-part series, Mrs. Becker explains some of the ways in which animals telepathically communicate with us.

SupremeMasterTV (m): How do animals communicate?
CB (w): Animals communicate via words, through feelings, through bodily perceptions, which we perceive intuitively. Everybody knows if his animal is well, (or) if he is ill. We can see if he is happy or sad. We sense this rapidly and intuitively. We do not ponder this.

For more information about Christiane Becker, please visit

万物と一体になる:アメリアキンケイド 芸術家 作家 動物霊能交流者 第一部/2

全ての生命は繋がっているオランダ人動物精神交信者ロナルドヴァンペッペル (オランダ語)

ホアキン ベロ氏の動物との心と心のつながり(スペイン語)

動物に耳を傾ける:オランダのドリトル先生 Lロースルート (オランダ語)

フィンランド人 テレパシック アニマルコミュニケーター コスティアイネンさんの動物の物語 (フィンランド語)

Uniting Voices of the Earth - Animal Telepathic Communicator Penelope Smith, P1/2

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and TV staff
Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
The King & Co.
Aphorisms scrolls
発展的なニュース スクロール
Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms