Bogotá, Colombia Fire Department is the recipient of an accolade for saving the life of a beautiful canine - 09 Jan 2011  
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In animal welfare news, Bogotá, Colombia Fire Department is the recipient of an accolade for saving the life of a beautiful canine. Incident Commander Lieutenant Guillermo Durán and the Rapid Intervention Rescue Team M97 rescued Spanky, who was trapped between the walls of two houses for three days. After seven hours of efforts and drilling a hole into the wall, they were able to free Spanky. He was found to be in good condition after being checked by a veterinarian. For their dedicated work, the Rescue Team received an animal protection award.

(In Spanish)
Lieutenant Guillermo Durán (m):
It is a great satisfaction for us to know that a community like Colombia or the world finds out that we firemen are here to help in the best way any person or animal that is in difficulty. If it’s possible to save him/her and if it’s necessary, at some given point, to give our lives, we will also do it.

Our congratulations on your much-deserved honor, Incident Commander Lieutenant Guillermo Durán and Rapid Intervention Rescue Team M97. God bless you and our heartfelt thanks for saving sweet Spanky and for all your bravery and devotion to protecting many lives. We are so glad you are doing fine, Spanky. May you be graced with much happiness back in the loving comfort of your family.
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