
Greetings and welcome to The World Around Us.
Angkor Wat, located in Siem Reap province of Cambodia, is one of  the world’s largest religious monuments.
It has remained so for over the past almost 900 years since it was built.
At sunrise, it is an amazing site to behold. Today Angkor Wat, appearing on Cambodia’s national flag, has become the proud symbol of the country, greetings thousands of visitors from all over the world every day.
The temple, located in the center of the vast walled city, Angkor Thom, is nestled among vast acres of trees – the lush and beautiful Cambodian jungle.

(In English)
Tour guide(m): Here we are on the eastern side of Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat complex is still daily occupied by nature, a lot of trees which last more than 100 years, and a lot of wildlife. There you still even see monkeys, surrounding the piles of fruits in the baskets being sold by local kids there.

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