ボブシー 地球と魂を癒す   

It is one man’s unwavering belief that the time has come to protect the Earth, and that more and more people than ever before are stepping up to the challenge.

Bobsy(m): Today there is a shift in consciousness happening on the planet, a global 『mind change』 if you like; people are starting to awaken to not just what is happening on the planet but also to their own power, and to their own knowledge and wisdom.

And this awareness, if you like, this movement, this people movement, is the fastest growing, and the largest movement in the history of humanity, and I mean ever.

HOST: Charismatic environmentalist and committed vegan, Bobsy, believes the key to changing the world is within. He spoke during an October 2009 climate change conference in Hong Kong which brought together speakers from China, Formosa (Taiwan), and Hong Kong, and invited Supreme Master Ching Hai
as the honored guest.

Bobsy(m): The healing of the Earth and the healing of the human spirit are one and the same. I will say it again. The healing of the Earth and the healing of the human spirit are one and the same. Neither can be achieved without the other. I am not here to talk about all these symptoms and disasters that our planet Earth is facing, today right here, right now. We all know them.

Everyone here in this room knows the symptoms. But we are the root cause of the problem. We are also the genesis of the solution. We created this mess, we can solve it right here, right now. And by going vegan it’s the immediate thing we can do.

HOST: Having grown up in Lebanon and the United Kingdom, Bobsy moved to Hong Kong in 1989. He has since then cooperated and supported the building of many green organizations and charity groups.

In 1994 he founded a non-profit organization called A Better Living Environment, or the ABLE Charity. The ABLE Charity initiated a project to plant trees on the barren northern hills of Lamma Island, which is located in the South China Sea. The Lamma Forest has been growing and thriving now for more than a decade.
Bobsy is the co-founder of the Life Organic Health Vegetarian Café in Hong Kong.

He also established Positive News Hong Kong, a newspaper featuring constructive news stories.
In March 2009, Mr. Bobsy led the launch of the 『Save The Human!』 campaign to inspire a movement encouraging people to change to a plant-based lifestyle. This climate-change awareness initiative takes the form of a creative, informative, short video, which spreads the word about the most urgent issue
of our time through websites such as YouTube and popular social networking sites.

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