ドナ デロリー 神の歌声   

Donna De Lory is a singer,dancer,and songwriter gifted with a beautiful voice imbued with spiritual devotion. Her soulful soundtracks are infused with elements from Western pop,
devotional hymns,dance rhythms,African grooves, and Sanskrit mantras,and thus create a unique, eclectic,and transcendental ambience. Today, we are glad to have Ms. De Lory share with us about her life and music.

Donna De Lory was blessed to be born into a musical family. Her grandfather was a double-bass player and cellist who was a member of the Warner Bros. Studio Orchestra. Her mother was a talented singer and dancer. Her father, Al De Lory,was a legendary musician and producer for the Beach Boys,Phil Spector and Glen Campbell.
Donna De Lory was thus able to nourish her own inborn talent to sing and dance since an early age.

Donna De Lory (f): 
I was always sitting by his side while he was playing the piano,listening to the melodies
and the changes. And then later on he went on to scoring films,and I would be there and I always heard melodies in my head. When I was little I remember being very shy.
But I just knew that I wanted to sing. I knew I could, I had a voice, and I loved it,
it was my bliss.

*One Light to Give to Each Other*
Music, lyrics & vocals by Donna De Lory
(In English and Sanskrit)

Om Shanti (Inner Peace)
Shanti Shanti Shanti
We're going to wake up to a brighter day

Realize love is the only way

Now we’re walking out of yesterday
We can rise up
Be the change we want to see in the world today
in the world today

Thank you, Mozart woo!

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