
Halo ladies and gentlemen. It’s summertime again in the northern hemisphere!
There will be no more school and no more homework,so we will have a LOT of time
doing EVERYTHING we want to do. Wouldn’t that be just great? So, what’s your plan
for summer vacation?

“Vacation Time” Music, lyrics and vocals by our Canadian Association member
I’m-a chillin’ by the lake
With my buddies and my pet
I think I’ll jump into the water
and I’ll get myself all wet
‘Cause it’s vacation time
I’m on vacation time
It’s a time we all enjoy
Every adult, girl and boy
It’s vacation time

All the ducks and geese are playin’
And the birds are flyin’
high Everybody’s happy,
as the summer passes by
‘Cause it’s vacation time
I’m on vacation time
It’s a time we take a rest
Or do the things we like the best
It’s vacation time

Long long ago,in Australia, our most ancient ancestors told the Stories of Dreamtime.
Stories of Dreamtime are about the creations of our Earth, people,plants and animals.
They told these stories by making dot paintings. Today, we will learn how to create
our own dot paintings just like the Aborigines of Australia did thousands of years ago.

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