
The study, titled 『Assessing Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production: Priority Products and Materials,』 identified two leading causes of environmental pressure: one is fossil fuels and the other is agriculture,with specific attention given to the livestock raising sector. The report called for radical change in the way that economies use natural resources known to be dwindling at alarming rates.

Achim Steiner–ExecutiveDirector,UNEP(M):
Production of livestock,in particular meat products,is an enormously intense one in terms of consumption of resources.

『A wealth of studies is available that have helped to assess the most important causes of environmental impacts from a production,consumption and materials perspective. These different studies,and different perspectives points, paint a consistent overall picture.

a. Agriculture and food consumption are identified as one of the most important drivers of environmental pressures,especially habitat change,climate change,fish depletion, water use and toxic emissions.
b. The use of fossil fuels for heating,transportation,materials production and the production and use of electrical appliances is of comparable importance,causing the depletion of fossil energy resources,climate change,and a wide range of emissions-related impacts. The impacts related to these activities are unlikely to be reduced,but rather enhanced,in a business as usual scenario for the future.

This study showed that CO2 emissions are highly correlated with income. Population and economic growth will hence lead to higher impacts, unless patterns of production and consumption can be changed.』

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