平和な世界のための絵画:イラク人画家 ハッサン アルナジャル(アラビア語)   

Greetings art-loving viewers,and welcome to today’s Enlightening Entertainment, featuring the aesthetic works of the Iraqi Australian artist,Mr. Hassan Alnajar. Characterized by symbolism and vibrant colors,Mr. Alnajar’s paintings reflect a multicultural dimension and spiritual subjects,speaking of peace and unity, and celebrating gifts of life. He subtly merges a variety of styles,from the abstract Picasso to the post-impressionism of Gauguin,creating unique artworks rich in poetic and surrealistic overtones. Born in Jerusalem,Mr. Alnajar revealed his interest as a painter since a very young age. His early experience of traveling through various countries of the Middle East and Africa helped him to develop his artistic sensibilities.

Hassan Alnajar (m):
When I was maybe 6, 7 years I traveled with my father,with my brother to all these areas
in Egypt, in Saudi Arabia. I went to Kuwait too,many countries. That’s when we travelled
from place to place,we get many things. I worked in Kuwait,I worked in Saudi Arabia, I was studying in Egypt, too.
In Iraq is a big school for education and artists. And, in Middle East,in Jordan,in Israel,in Palestine, in Egypt, there are many churches,there are many mosques,there are many ancient pyramids, you know that? That ancient history makes us to get more information in our life.

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