
Jacqueline Ripstein (f):
My name is Jacqueline Ripstein and I’ve been an artist for 36 years. I work as a United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) representative of the International Association of Educators for World Peace. One of my main concerns has always been about the peace and the safety and the unity of humanity. I’ve always wanted to create this space where the arts could take the role of inspiring people to another level.

Welcome, art-loving viewers, to Enlightening Entertainment.
Today, we’ll have a special treat for the sight and soul, featuring paintings by the internationally celebrated artist Ms. Jacqueline Ripstein. Jaqueline Ripstein was born in Mexico City, Mexico. From childhood, she felt a strong attraction to the arts and taught herself to paint. At age 12, she won the international Prismacolor arts competition, and at age 19, she had already painted internationally acclaimed masterpieces. About her early years as an artist,
Jacqueline once stated: 『When I was a little girl, I believed in Magic, my Wand and my brush transported me to the Invisible World...』

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