美しき環境保護観:仏映画製作者コリーヌソローとの対談 1/2(フランス語)   

One of the most talented French filmmakers of the present, Ms. Coline Serreau, has always been inclined to address social issues in her successful and engaging works.Her famous
1985 comedy film, “Three Men and a Cradle,” won three prestigious César Awards, including one for Best Writingby Ms. Serreau.
 It shed a hilarious yet heartwarming light on fatherhood.“La Belle Verte” (The Green Beautiful), was also written and directed by Coline Serreau, who also starred in this 1996 movie with French actor Vincent Lindon. The film encouraged viewers to question the conventions of human society on Earth, by looking from the eyes of beings from another planet. According to this filmmaker, art should serve the purpose of improving people’s lives.

SMTV (f):
I was very touched by your movie “Saint Jack, Mecca.” And often you show in your movie… you really have a benevolent look on people; and you often show their evolution, their transformation
toward the good. And that’s exactly one of those examples. And why exactly did you choose this title?

Coline Serreau(f):
Saint Jack, Mecca?


Coline Serreau(f):
Because these are big pilgrimages and it is also a way to say: We have different opinions,
different climates, different varieties of plants and animals on this planet and it’s true that it is good
that we are very different from one another. But in the end, the profound aspirations are the same;
for humans in any case. And even, I would nearly say, also for plants and animals. So the idea to leave the house, to walk, to make a journey to try to understand something of life,
that has always existed in every civilization, in all cultures. The great myths and the great events
that punctuate a life, have always been the same in all the big religions. There is the pilgrimage, there is the fast in all religions. There are the great rites of passage. And it was a way to say,
let’s stop fighting with each other. Because we have in fact the same rites.


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