厳かな鐘の音: 世界平和への回帰   

Welcome, musical viewers. Dating perhaps well over 5,000 years ago,
the gong is an ancient sacred instrument that is believed to transmit peace to humanity with its sublime, majestic sound. With the shape of a flat bell, the gong can bring together all the sounds within the range of human hearing.
Even today, the unforgettable gong still resonates during many occasions ranging holy ceremonies, funerals and weddings, to orchestral symphony performances, in festivals and theater.
During a discussion in 1995 in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained about the Heavenly origin and sacred purpose of instruments such as the gong.

Buddhist script-xure also mentioned about the inside sound of the drum,
of the gong, of the shell, of the sea waves, all kinds of things.
And in the Bible as well, it mentioned like thunder, and the sound of thunder, "God speaks like the sound of the thunder." "Hiers sound is like the sounds of many waters."
That means the sound of sea waves, etc., etc.
And also the sound of a trumpet. Like when the Bible mentioned about Saint John, when he went to the Second Heaven, he heard the sound of trumpet, etc., etc.
But these sounds are not ordinary sounds. Just because originally there's no such instruments in this world.

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