ライサ医師 ‐介護と希望の灯、ロシア モスクワ(ロシア語)   

Dr. Elizaveta Glinka, (MD) or Dr. Liza, has dedicated her life to serving the vulnerable
and less fortunate. An oncologist, Dr. Liza returned to Russia from the United States to take care of her elderly parents. But upon seeing many people in the streets who were sick and neglected, she began to assist them. She started the non-profit organization Spravedlivaya Pomosh (Fair Aid). Fair Aid is situated in the heart of Moscow. Providing personal assistance are Dr. Liza, with the help of Dr. Sergei Petrovich (MD) and other volunteers.

Doctor Liza (f):
Here, we start our work. We make the package based on the individual needs of the patient.
As you can see, we have artificial limbs, casts, everything needed to make a cast. There are some things for our patients after some kinds of traumas and amputations.
The bottom part is for my work at the station, where we provide basic medical help to those
who come from the streets – the poor. Here, we sterilize the instruments needed for bandages and for opening abscesses, etc. Basically, (it’s) help. We put on our cloaks and change their bandages.
This is how our on-wheels service works.

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