ヘルシーライフ 良く食べ、良く生きる:三人の名医からの助言   

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Dr. Wang (M): I advise all my patients that, if possible, change to a vegan diet and stop eating all animal products, including eggs and milk.

HOST: Hallo, vibrant viewers, and welcome to this week’s Healthy Living featuring interviews with three esteemed physicians, who will discuss the impact of diet on health, the damage to the body caused by consuming animal products, and the innumerable benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.

Dr. Hiromi Shinya, a renowned gastroenterologist who practices in Japan and New York City, USA, is the inventor of the “Shinya Method.”  This is a non-surgical technique to remove colon polyps, or growths on the surface of the colon during colonoscopies or the viewing of the colon using a long, flexible lighted tube.

Devised by Dr. Shinya in 1969, the technique remains a world standard for colon polyp removal. Dr. Shinya is the author of many books, including “The Enzyme Factor,” which has sold over two-million copies in Japan.
His recent lecture “The Hiromi Shinya Way of Healthy Living” attracted over a thousand attendees in Formosa (Taiwan). Dr. Shinya now explains the close relationship between diet and colon health.

For more details on the doctors featured today please visit the following websites:
Dr. Hiromi Shinya
Dr. Michael Greger
Dr. Wang Hui-Ming

ヘルシーライフ マイケルクラパー博士 米国標準食の危険 1/2

ヘルシーライフ マークカッツ博士:心臓の健康とビーガン食

ヘルシーライフ スティーブブレイク博士と賢い食事‐1/2

ヘルシーライフ ウィリアムハリス博士と活動的ビーガンライフ

人類は草食動物である: ウィリアムクリフォード ロバート博士 第一部/2

ヘルシーライフ ジョンマクドゥーガル博士、一生涯 超健康を楽しむ 第一部/2

ジョエルファーマン博士: 植物に基づく食事で健康増進 第一部/3

食習慣の再考:ジェロムベルナールペレ博士, ビーガン医師 第一部/2(仏語)

バクスターモンゴメリ医師の栄養の長所を生かした超健康 第一部/2

地球繁栄への解決策: Tコリンキャンベル博士へのインタビュー

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