脳の中に神を捜す: カナダ人神経学者マリオ ボーラガー博士 第一部/2    Part 2

Welcome, esteemed viewers to today’s Science an Spirituality featuring Dr. Mario Beauregard an associate research professor in the departments of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Montreal in Canada.

Dr. Beauregard is known for the 2008 book “The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul,” which he co-authored with journalist Denyse O’Leary. Before joining the University of Montreal faculty, Dr. Mario Beauregard did postdoctoral research at the University of Texas, USA and the Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University, Canada.

Dr. Beauregard has received international recognition for his pioneering work on the neurobiology of mystical experience, and was selected to be among the “One Hundred Pioneers of the 21st Century” by World Media Net. Supreme Master Television recently had the honor to speak with Dr. Beauregard about his research on the brain’s role in spiritual experiences and his views on mind-body-spirit relations.


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