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ハッピーハロウィーン ビーガンアイスサンド

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
1 cup organic powered sugar
1 tablespoon Ener-G egg replacer
2 teaspoons water
6 tablespoons organic flour
1 tablespoon vegan cream cheese
1 tablespoon coconut milk
2 tablespoon vegan butter
2 tablespoon organic cocoa powder
A pinch of sea salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

2 ounces vegan chocolate, melted
8 pieces your favorite vegan candy
Vegetable oil
cooking spray

Parchment paper
2 stencils (one circle – 2¾ inches in diameter, and one semi-circle 4½ inches in diameter).
1 pint your favorite
vegan ice cream