
Halo. On today’s edition of The World around Us, we invite you to a Tripitaka Koreana Dharma gathering held at Haeinsa Temple in South Korea.

This is Haeinsa Temple situated in Mount Gaya, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongnam province. An aged temple, Haeinsa Temple was established in 802. The shrine is also noted for its Tripitaka Koreana, a World Heritage designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the building that houses it.

Located in the highest place in Haeinsa Temple, Tripitaka Koreana has been passed on through ages. Not having even one single missing letter or a misspelled word, about 52 million letters were engraved on over 80,000 printing blocks. Having been passed on for 1,000 years since it was made in the Goryeo Dynasty, Tripitaka Koreana is the great record of the cultural heritage of humankind.

Shall we now explore the spiritual legacy of Haeinsa Temple and its Tripitaka Koreana?

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