
Welcome, blessed viewers to this week’s edition of Good People, Good Works, highlighting the wonderful Mobile Mini Circus for Children in Afghanistan. 

Many organizations have emerged in Afghanistan to help children reach their full potential and one such group is the Mobile Mini Circus for Children (MMCC).

Established in 2002 by two Danes, David Mason and Berit Mulhausen, the Circus is a Danish-Afghan non-profit non-governmental organization with the objective of bringing informative entertainment and joy to the youngsters of Afghanistan.

Each performance given by the Circus has important social messages such as how to prevent malaria or resolve conflicts. Six Afghan adults comprise a traveling circus troupe whose shows and workshops have reached over 460,000 youngsters nationwide.

There are also two junior circus troupes comprised of approximately 80 Afghan children, ages 4 to 16 that perform in schools around Kabul, the nation’s capital.

For more details on the Mobile Mini Circus for Children, please visit www.AfghanMMCC.org

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