
Greetings, friendly viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works on Supreme Master Television. In light of the growing global trend toward compassion, many people are redefining their life’s missions and goals to bring about constructive change for our planet.

These kind-hearted souls are combining their time, resources and talents with other like-minded individuals and groups to help protect the environment.

Today we will meet Susan Lenman Gottlieb and Dan Gottleib, founders of the G2 Gallery in Venice, California, USA who are using their mutual love of nature photography to help unite the world through art.

The Gallery encourages people to recognize their oneness with all creation and thus join their hearts and spirits to preserve the natural wonders and beauty of our precious planet.

The G2 Gallery, which opened in March 2008, is dedicated to promoting awareness and inspiring positive action to care for and safeguard the natural environment. Let’s visit the Gottleibs’ to learn more about how their common love of nature and art has sparked their conservation efforts.

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 美好人,美好事 尚比亞的「愛爾蘭援助」機構:聖母療養院與烏摩約孤兒院,二之一
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 美好人,美好事 原民古法與寧比社區計畫:合作的精神
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 美好人,美好事 露易絲帕斯卡爾博士:用歌曲幫助阿富汗兒童(達利語)
 美好人,美好事 「國際救濟及教堂服務」組織
 美好人,美好事 「異中求同」組織:為人們帶來和平(二集之一)