Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
A Cute, Cozy Christmas with Little Mongolian Angels (In Mongolian)      

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

Heart-shaped Breakfast Pastries
Baking soda
Blueberry jam

Blueberry Juice
1 liter water
2 – 4 spoons sugar

Heart-shaped Breakfast Pastries
  1. Pour some flour in a glass bowl.
  2. Add one teaspoon of sugar, salt and baking soda.
  3. Mix the flour until it becomes paste.
  4. Before kneading the flour, try to pour little bit of water, and after the water has absorbed into the flour, add more water again.
  5. Knead the flour until it has a nice consistency.
  6. Take a little dough and roll it on a cutting board until it becomes a long nice line.
  7. Form a heart shape by joinning the two sides and pinch both sides together.
  8. Squish the dough down with hands to make a hole and fill the hole with squished little dough.
  9. Take a bit of jam and put the jam into the center of the rolled dough.
  10. Make sure to make no spill.
  11. Put the dough into the oven and bake until the color is golden brown.
  12. The pastry is ready to be served.
Blueberry Juice
  1. Pour the blueberry into a blender.
  2. Add some water and some sugar.
  3. Turn on the blender.
  4. Pour the juice in a cup.
  5. The juice is ready to drink.

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