Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Chocolate Vegan Ice Cream Sandwiches (In French)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 cups soft tofu
1 cup soy milk
½ cup oil
½ – 1 cup icing sugar
¼ cup carob powder (or cocoa)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 pinch salt
Wafers or ice cream cones (optional)

  1. Add in each ingredients into the blender. Mix it all, enough to get a smooth and creamy mixture.
  2. The ice cream is ready. Pour it in an air tight container. It’s better to use container that have the same shape as the wafers that you have chosen.
  3. Cover the container with plastic wrap and put it in the freezer for a certain time until it is quite firm, very frozen.
  4. If you use a food processor, it is suggested to remove the container 20 minutes ahead, before proceeding to the second stage. But if using the Vitamix, 10 minutes is sufficient, as it is more powerful.
  5. Re-mix the ice cream mixture while it is still frozen, so as to break the ice crystals that have formed and to inject air into the mixture, which will make this cream much creamier, making it much more like ice cream.
  6. As it is getting creamier and creamier, you can add some chocolate chips or even crumbled cookie pieces.
  7. Pour it back into the container and put it back in the freezer. Leave it long enough to obtain a firm texture to be sliced with a knife, but not too hard.
  8. Once it is the right texture, use it in vegan ice cream cones or make ice cream sandwiches.
  9. To make ice cream sandwiches, slice the ice cream about 1 centimeter thick, and then put the wafer on the slice. Make sure the slice doesn’t go over the edges.
  10. Put the ice cream sandwiches back in the freezer for about 1 hour in an air tight container.
  11. Ready to be served.

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File NO: 1590
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