Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Chilei zöldséggel töltött búzacipó (spanyolul)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
500 grams gluten
100 grams soy protein
10 grams veggie meat
or chicken flavoring
10 grams garlic
or other seasoning
10 grams baking powder
50 grams flour (about 3 tablespoon)
1 liter water

Bell peppers

  1. Sifted the gluten.
  2. Add in the garlic and flavoring, 50 grams of flour, the veggie meat or chicken flavoring, and the baking powder. Mix it well.
  3. Add in 1 liter of water.
  4. Mix it, and make sure there are no lumps. Use hand to knead the dough.
  5. Let it rest for a while.
  6. Place a plastic wrap on a clean flat surface.
  7. Divide the dough into 4 servings, then divide them in half.
  8. To tie the loaf, cut a few pieces of string so the loaves will not break apart later.
  9. On a clean flat surface, take 1 piece of dough and then put the filling in the middle: the julienned carrots, the chopped bell pepper, the greens, the mushrooms, and the onions.
  10. Cover the filling with another piece of dough.
  11. Wrap the loaf about three turns so it won’t break open inside the pot.
  12. Tie it firmly on the edges.
  13. Repeat the step for each pieces.
  14. Take a pot, fill it with water until half full, boil the water.
  15. Put the loaf in a pot, and boiled it for 1 hour.
  16. Take the loaf out of the water, and let them cool down.
  17. Unwrap the loaves and cut it as prefer. The loaves can be fried or just eat like that.
  18. To accompany the loaves, prepare an organic salad.
  19. Place some fresh cucumber, some tomatoes, some organic chicory, add some mashed potatoes or duchess potatoes, or with rice or noodles, anything.
  20. Ready to be served.
  21. The remaining unwrapped loaves can be saved in a refrigerator for later use.

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File NO: 1597
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