Cara Hidup Sehat
Bahaya Susu: Wawancara dengan David Román (dalam bahasa Spanyol)   

Welcome, viewers, to Supreme Master Television. Today I am with Mr. David Román. He is the president of the Spanish Vegetarian Union and a member of the International Vegetarian Union Council.

David Román, who became a vegetarian in 1989 and a vegan in 1997, promotes a plant-based diet by translating information on the subject and writing books on the topic that have been published in Spain and Latin America. To date he has released three books on veganism: “The Ethical Diet,” “You Will Not Drink Milk” and most recently “Vegan Children, Happy and Healthy.” Today Mr. Román explains why dairy products are not a natural part of the human diet.

For more details about David Román and Spanish Vegetarian Union, please visit: or

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