Spinach and Beetroot Dish   
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Spinach and Beetroot Dish:
Soya paste
Stir Fry sauce

Watercress Soup:
Watercress (or green vegetables)
Soft tofu
Mushroom seasoning ~ 1 ½ teaspoons
Vegetable broth from boiled vegetables (optional)
Maggi ~ 5-6 squirts
Fruit juice/
vegetable cube broth

Stir Fried Veggie Ham and Veggie Chicken:
Chopped veggie ham
Sliced veggie chicken
Red onion
Mushroom seasoning ~ 2 teaspoons
Stir fry sauce
Fruit juice
brown sugar
Roasted crushed sesame ~1 ½ tablespoons
Black pepper & Salt
Fruit juice ~ 3-4 tablespoons

  1. Boil some water and add in a pinch of salt. When the water boils, add

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