
Supreme Master Ching Hai:You are the best doctor for yourself if you think positive. Live a healthy life, and simple. Simple living. And high-thinking. Change your pattern of living and change your day and change your fortune. So always try to keep being positive. Then a lot of accidents, a lot of illness can be avoided.

HOST: Halo, wise and health-conscious viewers. Today on Healthy Living, we will present a fresh perspective on living an energetic and vibrant life. Supreme Master Ching Hai, a renowned humanitarian, artist, and spiritual teacher, is the author of the book 『The Realization of Health: Returning to the Natural and Righteous Way of Living.』 A compilation of excerpts from her lectures spanning more than 20 years, the work presents the simple but profound truth that everyone is a potential self-healer and that health is a choice that humans ultimately make for themselves. 

In this important book, she introduces a natural way of living – a life filled with serenity, a deep sense of well-being, confidence and happiness. The Realization of Health: Returning to the Natural and Righteous Way of Living is available at www.Amazon.com  (English version) and ww.Kingstone.com.tw or www.TheCelestialShop.com (Chinese version)

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