Indian Chapattis   
이 비디오를 개인 홈페이지나 블로그에 게시하시려면 다음 버튼을 눌러 동영상 소스를 복사하세요.  동영상 소스 복사  프린트
( 121 MB )
Indian Chapattis:
White or whole grain flour
Sesame powder
Fruit sugar

  1. Mix the water and the flour.
  2. Add in the black sesame powder and some salt.
  3. Mix it well until it become like a dumpling dough.
  4. Flatten the dough, using a roll if any, or just use hands.
  5. Bake the flattened dough.
  6. Flip it high and make it turn a couple of times.
  7. Bake until both sides are golden.
  8. For serving, pour some fruit syrup on it or just squeeze some lime over it.

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