Spinach and Beetroot Dish   
이 비디오를 개인 홈페이지나 블로그에 게시하시려면 다음 버튼을 눌러 동영상 소스를 복사하세요.  동영상 소스 복사  프린트
Spinach and Beetroot Dish:
Soya paste
Stir Fry sauce

Watercress Soup:
Watercress (or green vegetables)
Soft tofu
Mushroom seasoning ~ 1 ½ teaspoons
Vegetable broth from boiled vegetables (optional)
Maggi ~ 5-6 squirts
Fruit juice/
vegetable cube broth

Stir Fried Veggie Ham and Veggie Chicken:
Chopped veggie ham
Sliced veggie chicken
Red onion
Mushroom seasoning ~ 2 teaspoons
Stir fry sauce
Fruit juice
brown sugar
Roasted crushed sesame ~1 ½ tablespoons
Black pepper & Salt
Fruit juice ~ 3-4 tablespoons

  1. Boil some water and add in a pinch of salt. When the water boils, add in the spinach. When the water boils again, take out the spinach. Shake a little bit so the water gets out. Put it on a dish.
  2. Use a little bit of the water to rinse the beetroot to make it warmer. Don’t rinse it too long because the sweetness will be all gone.
  3. Pour the beetroot on top of the spinach.
  4. Pour a little bit of soya sauce.
  5. Eat it hot immediately or eat it cold. Optional.
  6. Use the water again to make simple soup.
  7. Let it boil again and then put in any available vegetable, the tofu and the seasoning.
  8. Put a little Maggie and stir a little bit.
  9. Let it boil and then take the soup out of the fire.
  10. Ready to be served.
  11. After the soup has been taken out, pour a little bit of water over the wok, and let it hot a little bit.
  12. Use a little bit of kitchen towel to wipe the wok.
  13. Clean off the water.
  14. Add in some oil into the wok.
  15. Add in a little bit of salt into the oil.
  16. Add in the onion and let it fry until it smells nice.
  17. Add in the vegetarian ham. Stir.
  18. Add in some mushroom seasoning, some fruit juice about 3 or 4 tablespoons. Stir constantly.
  19. Add in a little stir sauce or Maggie.
  20. Taste it if it is okay.
  21. Add in about one tablespoon full of roasted and crushed sesame.
  22. Add in a little bit of black pepper. Optional.
  23. Stir a little bit, not too much, because it needs to brown a little bit, at least on one side so it tastes better and smell of smoke.
  24. Put it on a plate and put a little coriander on top as decorations.
  25. Cook some jasmine tea and mint as compliment.

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