포모사(대만)에서는 이제 수프림 마스터 텔레비전을 주문형 멀티 미디어로 감상 가능합니다

This week, Supreme Master Television began airing on channel 35 through Multi-Media on Demand (MOD),

one of the largest IPTV deployments in the world,is a service that reaches some 640,000 households throughout Formosa.

A representative from the channel’s sponsor, Chunghwa Telecom company, explains how the relatively new digital platform works.

Mr. Chen, Guo-Jing - Formosa Chunghwa Telecom Co.,Ltd. Taichung Branch Office Manager (M):
MOD is a very useful digital TV platform. Chunghwa Telecom uses this platform to broadcast digital videos.

With broadband internet and a set-top box connected to your TV, you can watch all kinds of videos provided by MOD.

To watch Supreme Master Television in MOD, people can simply turn to Channel 35.

Chunghwa Telecom is very honored to have Supreme Master Television join our MOD, enriching our programs.

With the addition of Supreme Master Television to MOD, our audience will have more options, and learn more about the Supreme Master’s works and spiritual teachings. People will feel healthier and happier.

This new MOD digital platform now enables many families in Formosa to be able to watch Supreme Master Television 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on channel 35.
Along with the 14 satellite platforms, Supreme Master Television is available on 12 cable and IPTV networks, as well as 18 online video channels of live-streaming and
on-demand programs.

  trackback : http://www.suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/news_kr/31



수프림 마스터 텔레비젼은 2012년 1월 2일부로 방송송출을 중단합니다.

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