ZDRAVO ŽIVLJENJE Dr. Michael Klaper: Nevarnosti običajne ameriške prehrane - P1/2   
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HOST: Hallo, esteemed viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television.
Today, in the first of a two-part series, we meet Dr. Michael Klaper, a physician and nutrition expert who is based at the TrueNorth Health Education Center located in California, USA. 

He is also the author of 『Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple』 a book which explains how to transition to a plant-based diet and has tasty recipes.

Dr Klaper (m): My real passion is keeping people healthy enough to stay out of hospitals and off our operating tables. So in the last 20 years or so my focus has really been on nutrition and lifestyle medicine. That’s my real love of life.

HOST: Dr. Klaper is a strong advocate of the vegan diet for treating health conditions and maintaining one’s well-being. In the 1980s, he realized that many chronic diseases are caused by the high-fat and overly processed foods of the standard American diet or SAD.

He then became a vegan and implemented nutritionally-based therapies in his practice. With Dr. Klaper’s help, many of his patients have regained their health and become more energetic by following a plant-based lifestyle.

Dr. Klaper (m):My own evolution to a vegan diet and lifestyle and vegan brand of medicine was a kind of convergence of a number of courses that happened to me in the early 1980’s. I was practicing medicine in Vancouver (Canada).

I was doing a residency in anesthesiology and day after day I was watching surgeons open up people's chests and open up their hearts and pull out these gobs of fatty, waxy material and I realized that this is largely the fat of the animals these people are eating.

And my dad died of clogged arteries; I knew I was at risk for this. One day I was going to be laying on that table with that Stryker saw going up my chest and I said, "Hmm. I don't think I want to do that." These people are very uncomfortable when they wake up so already I realized that an animal-based diet was not a healthful thing no matter what I had learned in school and our farm growing up.

For more details on Dr. Michael Klaper, please visit www.VegSource.com/klaper
The book 『Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple』 and other media by Dr. Klaper are available at the same website  

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