• Dr. John Holdren, president of American Association for the Advancement of Science, predicts a possible 4-meter sea level rise by end of the century,16 and Dr. James Hansen, NASA’s head of Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has stated the likelihood of a 5-meter sea level rise by end of the century.17 (2006, 2007, respectively.)
  • A sea level rise of even 1 meter would result in over 100 million climate refugees and endanger major cities like London, Cairo, Bangkok, Venice, New York, and Shanghai.18
  • Examples of countries affected by sea level rise:

    • Âu Lạc (Vietnam). At the nation’s rice bowl region, the Mekong Delta, ocean salt water has encroached an unprecedented 60 kilometers up-river in 2010, threatening 100,000 hectares of rice.19
    • Thailand. Seawater is expected to reach Bangkok’s ground level in 25 years. 20(GEodetic Earth Observation Technologies for Thailand: Environmental Change Detection and Investigation, 2010)
    • Egypt. More than 58 meters of coastline have vanished every year since 1989 in Rasheed.21 (Omran Frihy of the Coastal Research Institute, 2010)

  • Sea level rise caused at least 18 island nations to completely disappear while many more coastal areas are continually threatened.22 More than 40 other island nations are at risk from rising sea levels.23
  • Sea level rise threatens half of the world's population living within 200 kilometers of a coastline. Already, low-lying coastal regions and deltas see effects: 17 million in Bangladesh have fled their homes, mainly because of coastal erosion. Groundwater sources are contaminated by saltwater in Israel and Thailand, small island states in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Caribbean Sea, and in some of the world's major deltas, such as the Yangtze Delta and Mekong Delta.24

 Nguồn liệu
Tin Mới Nhất
Guyana spends scarce resources to fend off rising seas. - 24 Dec 2010
Rising sea levels may engulf Indonesian islands. - 3 Dec 2010
Egypt faces rising sea levels. - 24 Nov 2011
Groundwater over-pumping linked to sea level rise. - 20 Nov 2010
Rising sea level erodes Solomon Islands food security. - 16 Nov 2010
Dr. John Church: Sounding the Sea-Level Rise Alarm Play
Warming water in deep Antarctic Ocean contributing to sea-level rise - 13 Oct 2010
Liberia’s Atlantic coast is eroding quickly - 18 Sep 2010
Rising waters endanger indigenous Venezuelan culture - 12 Sep 2010
Extinction expert paints bleak picture of flooded Earth due to rising seas -31 Jul 2010
Panamanian island dwellers prepare to leave ancestral homes - 24 Jul 2010
Nigeria loses islands to the sea. - 11 May 2010
Climate change now forecast to bring much higher sea level impact. - 28 Apr 2010
Glaciologist warns of drastic ice melt. - 11 Apr 2010
Rising sea claims previously disputed island. - 6 Apr 2010
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ĐỊA CẦU: NGÔI NHÀ THÂN ÁI Tiến sĩ John Church: Báo động mực nước biển dâng cao
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Submerged Islands
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