The lesson for Earth from Mars - 23 Jan 2009  
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The lesson for Earth from Mars
The lesson for Earth from Mars. Through the insights from the most recent videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, a great leap in understanding has been gained about Earth’s neighboring planet, Mars, as well as her inhabitants. The value of this information is beyond scientific. Mars’ society 40 million years ago was marked by heavy livestock production and a lack of protection for the environment, two factors that led the planet down a path of irreversible destruction.

Only a small minority who had led or switched to a no-killing vegetarian lifestyle were unharmed. The Mars people agreed to reveal the story of their planet’s history to humans to help us make better choices.

With our own planet increasingly destabilized, the question was raised during the videoconference as to whether humans could cope the way the surviving Martians had, that is, by living underground. With loving concern, Supreme Master Ching Hai replied as follows.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff Los Angeles, California, USA – January 18, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We can. It would be better if people already are prepared for that. But only if we are good. Yes? Because, if we are bad, we will carry badness everywhere we go. And then, there might be not disaster up here, on the surface, but there will be disaster underground again, due to the same system, and the same self destructive way of life.

VOICE: Supreme Master Ching Hai further pointed out that humans lack the technology necessary to live deep beneath the surface. Yet she also emphasized that unlike Mars, Earth has not passed a point of no return and still has a chance to recover.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: That’s why I ask the people, please, please wake up! Wake up. Just be vegetarian, be at peace with each other, that’s all there is. Very simple. And don’t wait until we have to dig the ground to live. Maybe we won’t survive to do that. And even if we survive to do that, I don’t know if we have enough technology to survive afterward. I still have this positive hope that people will change. And we will preserve the planet and our way of life. Just throw away meat and have everything else. Instead of lose everything else, just for one piece of meat.

VOICE: We are ever grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s deep concern and compassion for all beings on Earth. We thank the gentle Mars people, for allowing this rare knowledge to be shared. May we join hands to do what it takes to save our planetary home before it is too late. For more astonishing and precious insights on Mars, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Supreme Master Television for the full broadcast of this videoconference at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

American Shores Face Threat of Rising Sea Level
Study shows potentially abrupt climate changes. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has released a report saying that global warming is happening more quickly than expected, and that many sudden changes in climate may occur. Martin Sommerkorn, senior climate change advisor to the World Wildlife Federation said, “The Arctic is a regulator of the Earth’s climate. We are seeing troubling signs that the dramatic changes in that region threaten the rest of the planet.” US Geological Survey and climate scientists, we appreciate this important report. Our prayers that we will all respond with swift changes that restore the natural harmony of our environment.

DOE Funding Announcement for Wind

US develops wind energy resources. The United States’ Department of Energy has announced that up to US$6 million is being allocated for a 2 year program of developing wind energy. According to the report, “20% Wind Energy by 2030,” the funding will help with further turbine research and development as well as distribution of wind power technology. We applaud the Department of Energy and United States for these advancements toward sustainable energy. Blessed be such a progress in green living and respectful use of our Earth’s natural resources.

Villagers turn to solar power
Indian villagers adopt solar power. To address the problem of increasing electricity bills and power outages, residents from India’s rural Jaunpur district, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, searched for solutions. With the help of subsidies from the charity Pendraq International, which seeks to bring electricity to the disadvantaged, many household have now installed solar lamps that illuminate continuously for 4 hours after sunlight charging. Heaven shines upon your efforts, Pendraq International, for distributing this eco-friendly light source that brightens people’s lives. Surely such green endeavors as these are helping secure a fruitfully sustainable future for all.